Tuesday 23 July 2013

Nutella glasses

My husband has been moaning that we only have one "short" glass (the one you would use for whisky etc). We had a set but have broken them over the years. We use pint and wine glasses and cannot really justify the expensive of new glasses. On a cost-cutting website someone had pointed out that Nutella came in jars which could be used as glasses.

Well we ate up our Nutella and washed the glass and surprisingly it looked pretty good (almost like a crystal glass with the details).

It's been used for a number of weeks and been in the top drawer of the washing machine and has survived well. I cannot find any information that this should not be used as a glass but please let me know if there is.

So more of an excuse to eat more Nutella. I'll get a set of glasses for the husband in no time :)

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